Friday, August 10, 2012

Missed that Moonglow

Last year I spent some time on the Cumberland River in Kentucky.  This is a painting I did of the falls.  When I was there, everyone kept talking about the "moonglow."  Apparently, when the moon is full the falls reflect the light and the water turns very fluorescent and cool-looking.  To see this event you must hike up to the falls at approx. 1:00 am.  I drank the cool-aid and trekked up to be one of the chosen few to witness the moon glowing in the falls.  It never happened.  I've tried 2 separate times during a full moon to see the glow...and I have to say, it might just be one of those legends...or maybe you have to be under the influence to experience it.  Anyway, I feel totally cheated, but I got some nice shots of the falls and ended up with a composite picture from 4 separate pictures.  They were taken at sunrise- since I was awake and still frustrated about being "glowless."

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