Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hens & Chicks

This is my Hens & Chicks painting.  I did 2 more, but a lady bought them before I took any pictures.  They are such sculptural succulents.  I collect different color varieties of these plants- they amaze me with their configurations. 
The dark red underpainting peaking through the green plant intensifies the color, the two colors virtually sing to each other. I painted Hens & Chicks because I think they are cool to look at.  There is no deeper meaning or intention. I just like them...and they're so easy to grow.
Sometimes, when people view my work, I can see that they aren't interested in my subject matter- like it isn't worthy of their contemplation and/or purchase.  Other people are drawn to my paintings because of the color and nothing else.  I paint what I paint for a reason.  It (usually) makes me happy to do so AND it's the reason the painting is successful, I believe. 
I think the main issue is not the subject matter, not how long it is contemplated or how long it takes to execute, I think it matters that it is attempted and created.  Many of my paintings are a complete surprise to me.  I start out thinking one way, and in the end, the painting turns out to be totally different.  I guess that makes it and "original" original.

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